相信去曼谷的你们对这家 Inter Restaurant since 1981肯定有所耳闻。Inter Restaurant since 1981是泰圈里出了名的平价泰式料理餐厅,店本身的 IG 也写着 “Serve you nice and reasonable price, Thai and Chinese dishes since 1981”.
Inter Restaurant since 1981 is a well-known budget-friendly Thai restaurant in the Thai food scene. Their Instagram page even says, “Serve you nice and reasonable price, Thai and Chinese dishes since 1981.”
Inter 1981 位于 Siam Square Soi 9,可以通过搭乘曼谷空铁 BTS 到 Siam Station,再步行到 Siam Square 找到 Soi 9,或者找到Tsuruha药店也能找到正门口。
Inter 1981 is located in Siam Square Soi 9, and you can get there by taking the Bangkok Skytrain BTS to Siam Station. From there, it’s a short walk to Siam Square and Soi 9.
Alternatively, you can look for the Tsuruha store, and you’ll find the restaurant’s entrance nearby.
(If the restaurant is full, they only accept customers until 8 PM). The restaurant has two floors, and the upstairs area opens at 6 PM.
Inter 1981采取的是记名叫号的方式,还没有座位的客人可以先跟工作人员登记名字等叫号,门外有一张长椅让候位的客人可以坐着等位子。
Inter 1981 uses a name-based queue system. If there are no available seats, you can register your name with the staff and wait for your turn. There’s a long bench outside where waiting customers can sit.
Upon entering, you’ll notice that the interior isn’t overly decorated. It features simple interior design, a clean environment, a semi-open kitchen, and an efficient layout that makes the most of the restaurant’s space.
满座的时候能感受到店内的喧哗,除了慕名而来的旅客,最重要的是在地人也很爱到 Inter 1981,所以只管放心到那里用餐~
When it’s crowded, you can feel the buzz inside the restaurant. Apart from tourists who have heard about it, locals also love Inter 1981, so you can dine there with confidence.
去了三次曼谷的我也就去了三次 Inter 1981~
Inter 1981的菜单有很多品项,但基本盲点都不太会踩雷。价格也很亲民,可以放心不看价格随意点。Tomyum、鸡翅,炒空心菜还有泰奶都是我的必点。
Inter 1981 offers a diverse menu, and you can’t really go wrong with their dishes. Prices are budget-friendly, so you can order without worrying too much about the cost. Tom Yum soup, chicken wings, stir-fried water spinach, and Thai milk tea are some of my must-tries.
这里的服务员也都很友善,上次我朋友逛完 BIG C 提着两袋满满的收获排队,有位服务员就请我朋友到餐厅里坐着边等。还有位很热情的在找零钱的时候现场教我们泰文,特别可爱~
The waitstaff here are friendly too. On one occasion, my friend, who was carrying bags of shopping from BIG C, was allowed to sit inside and wait while queuing. Another staff member was enthusiastic about teaching us some basic Thai words on the spot, which was incredibly cute.
真的很推荐到曼谷的各位一定要到 Inter 1981 吃吃看!
I highly recommend that anyone visiting Bangkok should give Inter 1981 a try!