Vice Versa 反之亦爱

EP 1:因为 OCEAN BLUE 展开的世界

A world of endless possibilities unfold in ocean blue


Among the hidden passages, we destined to meet once again

EP 3:迷失在温柔的 SOFT BLUSH

Let the soft blush of possibility guide your heart towards moments of pure tenderness

EP 4:在玻璃房爱上你的 DEEP MAGENTA

Within the depths of deep magenta, a universe of passion waits to be explored.

EP 5:希望你下次看见雪花飘落能想起我的 WINTER WHITE

Like the snowflakes that melt upon your fingertips, may the memory of my love melt your heart, leaving an everlasting impression.

EP 6:FIRE YELLOW 在闪烁,在你的臂弯里我寻觅到安逸

In your arms, I find  comfort and the gentle flicker of fire yellow, warming my soul

EP 7:SUNSET ORANGE 下我们的重聚充满温暖喜悦

Our souls reunite in the warm embrace of orange

EP 8:CLOUDY GRAY里,我们的爱投下温柔的光,照亮我们的世界

Like a ray of sunlight piercing through the clouds, our love break through the gray, casting a soft glow that lights up our world

EP 9:穿过 MIDNIGHT BLACK,我们找到了彼此

Through the veil of midnight black, I meet you

EP 10:PINK 为世界上色,创造出浪漫画卷

Wrapped in the warmth of pink, love whispers it’s sweetest secret

EP 11:燃烧着的 REAL RED释放着不可抑制的浪漫

Love pulses in the rich tones of real red

EP 12:CRYSTAL CLEAR 的爱中,我们的灵魂缠绕着,是超越一切的羁绊

In the crystal clear depths of love, our souls intertwine, revealing a bond that transcends time







珍藏这段回忆,期待未来更多的故事,更多的情感,更多的感动。也期待 JimmySea 

草于:2023.07.16 (Vice Versa播出一周年)

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